Professor Nelson Paulus, moderates the webinar that recalls the 100 years of Max Weber's Economy and Society, in a conversation that included the participation of Dr. Jorge Gibert, Dr. Juan Ignacio Jiménez and Dr. Bernardo Navarrete.
Research Projects
Political economy of Chilean trade policy since 1990. Winners, losers and trade-offsResponsible Researcher:Alfonso DingemansProject Code:397Funding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2024
Analysis of the political process of Michelle Bachelet's educational reform (2014-2017). From demands to resultsResponsible Researcher:Marcelo MellaFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2023
Study on risk factors and prognosis of legal, criminal and/or penitentiary recidivism in prisoners of closed Chilean prison systemResponsible Researcher:Mauricio Olavarría GambiProject Code:1210254Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2025
History and Public Policy. History of the Chilean pension systemResponsible Researcher:Mauricio Olavarría GambiProject Code:032052OGFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2022
Asylum, resettlement and visas in Chile. What lessons does national experience leave for public policy?Responsible Researcher:Irene Magaña FradeCo-investigator:Bernardo Navarrete YañezProject Code:031952NCFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2021
Legitimacy and public trust of law enforcement institutions in ChileResponsible Researcher:Lucía DammertProject Code:11180438Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2022
How are local public policies formulated and implemented in Chile?Responsible Researcher:Bernardo NavarreteProject Code:031852NYFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2020
Effect of grade ranking in emblematic high schools of the capital in relation to access to higher education. Macro-consequences of micro- and meso- level dynamicsResponsible Researcher:Nelson Paulus SanitbáñezFunding sourcesConsejo Nacional de EducaciónEnding Year:2019
Analytical elements for the construction of a social interpretation of fear of crime in ChileResponsible Researcher:Lucía DammertFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2018
Adapting to survive. The strategies of international economic insertion in Chile and Argentina, 1850-1914Responsible Researcher:Alfonso DingemansProject Code:1171471Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2020
Identification of participation in adjustments of international economic insertion strategy in Chile, 1850-1885Responsible Researcher:Alfonso DingemansProject Code:031652DCFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2017
“Who stole my ranking? Micro-reasons and macro-effects in the implementation of the grade ranking in the admission processes to the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH)”Responsible Researcher:Nelson Paulus SanitbáñezProject Code:031652PSFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2018
Formal and informal governance mechanisms of the university political system. A study of seven cases in the Santiago Metropolitan Region of Chile. (2005-2015)Responsible Researcher:Marcelo MellaProject Code:031652MPFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2018
Public Policy Agenda in the Old Chilean Democracy: case study on the modernization policies of public management and healthResponsible Researcher:Mauricio Olavarría GambiProject Code:1160626Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2018
Review and Evaluation of the Didactics in the Methodological Training program for the Bachelor´s degree in International StudiesResponsible Researcher:Nelson Paulus SanitbáñezProject Code:Nº022Funding sourcesFAHU-USACHEnding Year:2016
Party System and Cleavage Theory. Evaluation of the nationalization argument from the democracy during 1937-1973 to the post-dictatorship democracyResponsible Researcher:Raúl ElguetaCo-investigator:Nelson Paulus SanitbáñezProject Code:031594ERFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2016
Evaluation of Acquisition and/or Development of Competencies in active and global citizenship among students and participants of the NMUN - USACH WorkshopResponsible Researcher:Nelson Paulus SanitbáñezFunding sourcesUNIE USACHEnding Year:2018
Government coalitions in presidential regimes: case study on the mechanisms of formation, maintenance and dissolution in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile (1983 to 2010)Responsible Researcher:Marcelo MellaProject Code:031152MPFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2015
Impact on regional development and regional public opinion of the direct election of regional councillorsResponsible Researcher:Nelson Paulus SanitbáñezFunding sourcesDICYT-USACHEnding Year:2014
Historical background and political dynamics of the armed insurgency in Chile (1978-1994)Responsible Researcher:Igor GoicovicCo-investigator:Marcelo MellaProject Code:1130323Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2016
Implementation of Public Policy in Chile. Case study on the modernization of public management, Plan AUGE-GES and TransantiagoResponsible Researcher:Mauricio Olavarría GambiProject Code:1120546Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2014
Regarding the migration policy in Chile. Agenda, institutions and veto playersResponsible Researcher:Bernardo NavarreteCo-investigator:Mauricio Olavarria GambiProject Code:1120762Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2014
Study on the effects of geographic structuring on competition in school education through the use of geographic information systems and agent-based modelingResponsible Researcher:Manuel VivancoCo-investigator:Nelson Paulus SanitbáñezProject Code:1120598Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2015
Impact of political networks on decision-making processes for the allocation of regional resources. The Regional Councils in Chile 2010-2014Responsible Researcher:Vicente EspinozaCo-investigator:Alfonso DingemansProject Code:1120846Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2015
Economic insertion of Chile and Argentina in the Asia Pacific 1975-2010. A historical-institutional perspectiveResponsible Researcher:Alfonso DingemansProject Code:3120110Funding sourcesANID-FONDECYTEnding Year:2014