Professor Nelson Paulus, moderates the webinar that recalls the 100 years of Max Weber's Economy and Society, in a conversation that included the participation of Dr. Jorge Gibert, Dr. Juan Ignacio Jiménez and Dr. Bernardo Navarrete.
PhD. Marcelo Mella Polanco

Between 2014 and 2020 he held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Santiago, Chile. He is a member of the Chilean Association of Political Science (ACCP, acronym in Spanish), the Latin American Political Science Association (ALACIP, acronym in Spanish), and the International Political Science Association (IPSA). He is an associate member of RIMAC (Mexico City). He has served as vice president of the National Council of Deans of Faculties of Education in Chile (CONFAUCE, acronym in Spanish) and has participated as an international juror in a commission at the University of Buenos Aires that gives an annual award for the best doctoral thesis in social sciences/humanities disciplines in Argentina.
In addition, he has been a visiting professor at various universities and research centers in Latin America and Europe, such as: University of São Paulo, National University of Rosario, University of Buenos Aires, Cinvestav (Mexico City), the Foundation House of Human Sciences (FMSH, acronym in French) in Paris. In 2016 he was invited by REDGOB to the Conference: La gouvernance dans l'enseignement supérieur en perspective compare (Governance in higher education from a comparative perspective), organized by ESSEC Business School at the University of Cergy Pontoise-Paris.
Twitter: @mellapolanco
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