Professor Nelson Paulus, moderates the webinar that recalls the 100 years of Max Weber's Economy and Society, in a conversation that included the participation of Dr. Jorge Gibert, Dr. Juan Ignacio Jiménez and Dr. Bernardo Navarrete.
Los nuevos puestos de trabajos para Analistas Internacionales
Professor Alfonso Dingemans moderated the webinar entitled "The challenges of international and national scenarios for Chilean exports", which was attended by the international director of the Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (SOFOFA), José Manuel Prieto, and the director of the Department of Political Studies, Dr. Mauricio Olavarría.
At the meeting, they discussed Chilean exports, which have traditionally been considered exemplary over the last 50 years. In this sense, support for trade liberalization was agreed upon by the different market players.
"In these times it has been quite complicated for exports. Today there is a shaky faith in the benefits of international trade," said Dingemans.
For his part, Prieto said that "the effect on the logistics chain has had a significant impact. In order for us to produce the goods we export, we need to buy inputs that we import; this is the first direct effect at the present time".
During the conversation, one of the topics they discussed was the creation of new jobs in the private sector for international analysts, who are increasingly in demand in different companies all over the world.
"The position of international director has existed for a long time, in Europe or Asia it is well built, our stock of Chilean investment abroad is in the order of 150 million dollars, with productive investments. Therefore, the need will create the need to attract this talent," he said.