Professor Nelson Paulus, moderates the webinar that recalls the 100 years of Max Weber's Economy and Society, in a conversation that included the participation of Dr. Jorge Gibert, Dr. Juan Ignacio Jiménez and Dr. Bernardo Navarrete.
Crime, punishment and reintegration
Since 1990, crime has been among the four problems that most concern citizens, according to various opinion polls. Although victimization of households has been decreasing since the first ENUSC was applied in 2003, citizen concern about the issue has not diminished. The invariable response of the different governments has been to increase the number of police officers as the first and priority action. However, a comprehensive vision of a citizen security policy needs to be based on the four pillars that support it and on the interaction among them, given the multidimensionality of the crime phenomenon.
Published el 30 de junio de 2021, en diario La Tercera.