Professor Nelson Paulus, moderates the webinar that recalls the 100 years of Max Weber's Economy and Society, in a conversation that included the participation of Dr. Jorge Gibert, Dr. Juan Ignacio Jiménez and Dr. Bernardo Navarrete.
Mariano Ferrero

He holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations and law from the National University of Rosario (Argentina), and a doctorate in Political Science with a focus on International Relations from the University of the Basque Country (Spain). He works as a researcher and parliamentary diplomacy advisor at the Library of National Congress (BCN, acronym in Spanish). He is an adjunct instructor for the Bachelor of International Studies program at the University of Santiago, Chile since 2009. He is the author of numerous academic publications on international relations theory, political economy of globalization, regional integration, paradiplomacy and parliamentary diplomacy, in both books and journals from different countries. He has been a professor for the International Studies Bachelor Program since its very beginning, teaching International Organizations, International Relations I and II, and collaborating with the Model United Nations (MONUSACH, acronym in Spanish). He has participated in creating programs in the field of International Relations and has been on thesis juries for about fifteen students. He has also participated in evaluating undergraduate students.