Professor Nelson Paulus, moderates the webinar that recalls the 100 years of Max Weber's Economy and Society, in a conversation that included the participation of Dr. Jorge Gibert, Dr. Juan Ignacio Jiménez and Dr. Bernardo Navarrete.
Marco Antonio Fernandez Ulloa

His studies have focused on the questions, “why political regimes are so difficult to change and, on the other hand, why does it seem to be so easy to keep elites or dictators in power?” and “Which mechanisms promote change; international cooperation; international and domestic conflicts or global public policies?”
He has taught classes and supervised thesis at the Catholic University of Chile, ARCIS University, University of Santiago, Chile and the Diplomat Academy (ACADE, acronym in Spanish). He has completed his graduate studies in Political Science (1998-2000), Economics (2003-2005) and International Security (2003).
He has worked at the Chilean International Cooperation Agency for Development (AGCID, acronym in Spanish). Between 2012 and 2016 he worked as executive secretary for the Chilean Fund Against Hunger and Poverty (MINREL-UNDP-AGCI). Between 2010 and 2012 he served as project coordinator to strengthen Chile's south-south cooperation with LATAM (UNDP-AGCI. Currently, he works in the Studies Unit (Unidad de Estudios) as an analyst.